Wednesday, April 11, 2007

"I Wanna Be the First Kid on My Block With A Confirmed Kill"

In the spirit of trash talking and the amusement of others, here is a narrative of our first kill. If you manage to off someone, please feel free to write your own account, I'll be more than happy to post it.

I'd checked out the place before I decided to go in for my kill. Lots of cops rolling by in the neighborhood? Check. Small complex? (by small, we're talkin like 10 units at most, maybe 14 spots in the parking lot) Check. No place to really hide nearby without arousing suspicion? Check.

Shit. This was going to be harder than I thought.

Thought about lots of ways to go for it. They all had lots of issues. Finally decided to go for a bomb. Simple, elegant, and remote controlled. Big problem, gotta be in range to detonate the thing.

Showed up about 5pm, parked the car around the block and walked it to the spot. Planted the device next to the entry gate. Entry gate was open so I let myself in. Found the target's unit easy, not many units so not much searching to do. Walk up to the target's front door. Hear an excited dog come up barking before I even touch the door. No voice inside so no one home. Turn around to see a guy in his backyard. Old guy, not much to do, except watch me.

Shit. Time to get outta there.

I walk to the nearest bus stop to wait for the target. Try to act cool. Then the bus comes. I walk away. Back to the car. Time to step it up a notch. I park in the tiny parking lot and wait. I call an old friend and talk so I don't arouse suspicion. I wait. I wait longer. I'm figurin out when I should give it up and leave, come back in the morning and catch him on the way to work. Then it happens, he pulls up with his wife. They get out of the car and its go time.


They've left something in the car. They're coming back for it. He looks at me. I look at him.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

I've been made.

I'm outta the car running to get in range to trigger the explosive. He's running and yelling at his wife to run too. I get in range when it counts. He hits the gate and I hit the detonator.


Confirmed kill!!!


I'm coming for you next.




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