Monday, December 12, 2005
Shoot a dog/fish |6:23 PM|
1:46 AM Sep 23rd 2005
Shoot a dog/fish

Okay, so what does that message mean? It was saved as a draft on Blogger here, just waiting for me to come back. Clearly, it was important enough for me to log into blogger and write it down.
Did I plan for it to be the seed of a post?
Was it some kind of invention? Was it an instruction for a future action, one I could not at the time, and due to my faulty memory I cannot HOPE to complete at this time?
Was it a warning? What is this "Dog/fish"? Was it something that could be identified as either a dog or a fish, or was it an unnatural pairing of the two? Some hideous alien hybrid project gone wrong?
If it was aliens, perhaps that explains my lack of memory of its meaning. Alien brain erasure, that would cover the bases.

I didn't put a period on the end of it. Was there more to this sentence? Like, "With a ray gun"? Or "Out of a cannon"?

Maybe it was some kind of horrible pornographic idea? I shudder to think.

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State Central Planning my tuckus |6:16 PM|
My current gig has me working at a state agency. A state agency that probably deals with the most raw cash of any state agency that isn't concerned with killing rioters.

Yet, like any state agency, everything is slow.

Don't get me wrong, the people that work there are polite, good natured, nice folks. It's everything else that is slow.

The elevators break constantly, they stop to take coffee breaks between floors, and they rattle. Logging into the network servers is a process better measured in geographic time, and the vending machines want 30% for every kind of crap junk food.

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