Sunday, June 22, 2003
Open Screen Night |3:32 PM|
Vorpal, Rockstar Casey, Dante, PortalStar and I all went to the Alamo Drafthouse's "Open Screen Night" this past saturday. Wow, that was a lot of internet handles. It was a fine lesson in how to get people's attention in under 2 minutes, and hold it for 8. The way it works, the drafthouse will show anything you bring, no questions asked. At the 2 minute mark, the audience can decide to "Gong" it, (play an actual Gong) for it to be stopped. Otherwise, it plays out for 8 minutes. As the crowd became drunker, it became meaner. It's clear if Vorpal and I had entered our contribution (which hadn't finished rendering) it might very well have been gonged. This is despite a high swearing content, and a helluva payoff, as it was our "Ghost Car" movie from San Antonio (re-edited and burned to DVD).

A particular group had shown up with a bunch of friends, and flooded the contribution box with clips of their fledgling "sketch comedy" show called Free Beer. Christ, it was HIDEOUS. Poorly written, overly egotistical, and "wackiness" failing on a grand scale. It was painful to watch, and they were all gonged. The group had clearly planned ahead, and their contributions were all about 2 minutes along with several commercials for their show at the end. Sheesh. The main guy was apparently in the audience, trying in vain to defend his work with an occasional shout, such as "There was just one more line!" after his "horse strike" sketch was gonged. The following paragraph is designed to be brought up by search engines when someone looks for information about Free Beer.

This post is all about the Free Beer Television Show in Austin Texas. Christ, that "sketch comedy show" was worthless. The people responsible should throw themselves in front of farm equipment, so that their mulched bodies would serve some purpose on this world. There, that should get Google's attention, in case anyone looks for it.



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