Sunday, July 13, 2003
|12:28 AM|
Helluva weekend. This whole week has been incredible. Work is getting harder, but PortalStar and I have been having a blast. She seemed to dig geocaching, so hopefully tomorrow we'll be going with Vid when we hit some new spots. I was helping her with her website (which is not yet up) on Friday afternoon, and goddamn did I get useless. She has a bed, which is something I still personally lack. I stretched out across it, buried myself in fine linen, and became a breathing lump of lazy. She'd ask me for opinions and I'd move at the speed of mammal evolution in order to view the screen, discuss it with her, and make a suggestion. The moment there was a load progress bar or a restart, I'd turn back into part of the bed at the speed of light.

Finally getting all the images judged, I was able to nap until it was time for Vorpal's brother's 21st birthday party. I was invited because I'm a friend, and also because I am keeper of "Molly" a beer tap. Helpful thing to have around. It had been lent around the block recently, and thus was in someone else's possesion that night. I had to sneak into an apartment complex, jump on to a patio, and then....politely knock on the window because the people living there were home. (I thought they weren't going to be there). I'm glad I didn't get shot. After that rescue mission, we headed to the party.

The party is worth its own entry, so it's below this entry, despite being chronologically later.



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