Thursday, December 18, 2003
|12:28 PM|
Awesome. Sure, supersonic isn't all that impressive in this day and age, but they could have said "Rocket engine turns on, bakes cookies, does not explode" and I'd be happy.

Though I am overjoyed to hear about 2 men being charged with spamming, it did spark a debate in the office. Was this a violation of our free speech? Were we going to imprison men for merely being annoying? Now, my first reaction was "Sure, jail 'em for being annoying. In fact, people who tail gate me should be shot. And those protesters with the giant dead fetus pictures, yeah, lock 'em up with the sodomites. But if they come for the christians or the jews, I'll stand up for them, I know how that poem ends.

I have yet to see the Return of the King. I know, I'm a bad dork, but I would have had to go to a midnight show, meaning I'd be getting to work about 4 hours after it was over, leaving enough time for sleep to just get really tired. I'll see it this weeked. I did see the "Santa Land Diaries" which were amusing. (Such as a song about the joys of masturbation) The material was sometimes quite risque, and I wouldn't have thought twice about it if we hadn't dragged along my grandmother. She asked me what I wanted for Christmas, and I told her "Venture Capital". She chuckled, she may have understood.

I've been messing around with tiny emoticon animations.


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