Thursday, February 26, 2004
The Three Mr. P's. Or something. |10:48 AM|
Last night, I was delayed in going to Portal's house by my Past, some Pornography, and my Poppa. I had just told Portal I was leaving soon when a friend of mine sent me an AIM message showing me pictures of the current boyfriend of a former friend of mine. We remarked that his head looked kind of "smooshed". I think it's a medical term. Right after that, my dad (using my little sister's AIM client) sends me a message asking where his "f******* cookbook" was. Since the cookbook is mine, and I wasn't about to let my father self censor, I replied "You mean MY apeshitting, dogfucking cookbook?" I went on to use some other foul language when my dad, still sending messages on a pink background in a giant purple font, sent back "Don't try to impress me."

It stopped me in my tracks. Normally when on a cursing tear like that, nothing really slows me down. My dad managed to. When I explained this, he said "Thanks for the props, dog."

Ugh. At least he wasn't changing letters into numbers. At about this point, some random poster on a forum asked me if I still wanted pictures of a girl I had posted. I had posted a thread, in a pornographic context, asking "can you identify this chick?" with a bunch of pictures of chickens and ducks, also included were some random women from my webhosting. I went to the trouble of accepting his offering of a bunch of pictures of this girl. (I'd been using the image as a punchline to a bunch of rack related jokes recently)

Portal was only partially amused at my explanations as to why I was late. "You were late because you were downloading pornography?"
"Not for me! I was going to post it in this silly thread I made."
"Oh! So pornography for other people! You're getting picture for other people to jack off to? Isn't that kind"

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