Tuesday, March 30, 2004
Endure-A-Date |8:55 AM|
Since my last attempt at using personal ad sites as a source of comedy failed so miserably, I'm trying something a little different. Instead of posting an unusual looking ad, I'm posting an average looking, hopefully appealing one. Then, should I get a response, I will meet the woman in the local Barnes and Noble, (with someone, like Portal or Vorpal taping from a distance) and then proceed to act in as horrid a fashion as possible. Nothing way over the top, or anything that would get the cops called, just stuff that would hopefully cause the woman to leave immediately.
For example, belching in response to questions, taking my shoes and socks off and stretching out to relax, eating food with my hands, eating off of her plate, etc.
I've got a big list of brainstormed ideas, none of which are illegal, and all are somewhat believable as actions a horrid date would take.
"Oh man, is that dress/skirt/pair of pants from Christian Dior's 'make my ass look big' line?"

I intend to avoid being maced.

If the woman makes it through 45 minutes of this, I declare her the winner and give her a certificate.

As for the below entries that should have been updated, dang, I'm at work and don't have the proper links and info. Right now I owe you folks the photo scavenger hunt, the Furry Fuzz, and "The Scam" which is another personals ad prank that my friends Gizmo-Gun and Dante are running.


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