Tuesday, March 16, 2004
Java Based Justice |9:28 AM|
The coke machine here at work just recently told me that Jesus loves me, and then it stole a quarter from me. I was buying a coke from the machine, and the first quarter I put in wasn't accepted, and landed in the change dish. With the coin was a cross stating "God Loves You", but as a cross I can infer they meant Jesus but ran out of room. Whether the cross was lodged in the machine and knocked loose by my coin, or if it was left there by a Christian, I don't know. But then the damn machine stole a quarter so it can shove its God up its ass.

Also, what to do with the front page? I'm thinking of mixing some justice in with the (rare) humor updates. Justice you say?

Spammers have a home on the web. Someone, somewhere has to have a website that you can go to in order to pay money to encourage them. Someone pays for that hosting, and they probably pay for bandwidth. This is important information, and should be saved for future generations. With the use of an application called "WGET" and some nifty scripting, it's possible to save many, many copies of these websites.

Also, we'd want to thank them for their help in letting us know about these penis pills or creams that give us lower morgage rates. A nice thank-you email generator program is in order. Since sometimes they have to keep their email address's private, there are ways to send it to every possible email address they might have.

I'm going to post on a forum asking if there's a way a Java based version of Wget might be brought into existence. If so, I could have a link on the front page that allows you to help make copies of these useful morgage enlargement websites.


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