Tuesday, April 20, 2004
My killbot has yet to arrive |10:05 AM|
I know it was on back-order at the time, but I'm still really anxious to get that damn robot kit. Meanwhile, on the dorky side projects front, my Linux machine still lacks a floppy drive since the one I had available turned out to be much more broken than I though. I'll just go with the original plan and yank one from another computer. I haven't used a floppy drive for anything but a boot disk in probably 3 years or so.

I'm probably in way over my head on this robotics project, that's why I got the educational model. I'm assuming that I know nothing whatsoever about electronics and circuit design, and that if I do happen to remember something it's probably wrong. Programming a chip, wiring transistors, and generally every other part of the world of electronics has always been dark voodoo to me. I've built crystal radios, and some of their more complicated brothers, but this is a lot deeper.

Instead of programming with nice simple words, I/O streams, memory locations and other computer issues that I have the vocabulary to describe, this is going to be about changing the voltages on tiny wires, so the voltage of some other wires change, so that a switch is thrown and a motor turns half an inch. You might as well be saying to me "Play the correct melody on this rib-cage xylophone and ASh'T-ka, keeper of the darkness, will appear".

I'll start raising the chickens for the blood sacrifices.


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