Sunday, May 23, 2004
Clubbing and kittens |2:55 AM|
Just got back from downtown. I went out with Allison and Sabrina, who were celebrating a graduation for one and a birthday for the other. Outside the Flamingo Cantina Allison and I ran into the cutest damn kitten. Yeah, I'm a big sap for posting images of some baby cat, but the little guy enthralled my group for 10 minutes.

Should a unit of measure be invented for cuteness, watching this orange kitten rub itself on the chin of the door guy would be off the charts. It crawled around his neck, looking for warmth and a friendly nipple.
He was pleased to know the kitten had a home, and had been amused by how much oohing and ah-ing there had been so far.

Also, it's looking likely that I'm heading to Vegas in mid July. I managed to get the time off of work, I should easily have the cash, and Will and Rissa seem interested in going as well.
The trip is Vorpal's idea, but I'm becoming more receptive to it as time passes. Why would I hesitate in going to Vegas? It's a long story, but it involves dorkiness on a grand scale. I'll post my response to the situation soon enough, I have to figure out what it is first.

I delayed the purchase of the Celica until next paycheck, so I could be sure to afford food and gasoline afterward. This has turned out to be an excellent choice as I have now found out a friend of mine is an excellent negotiator. As I may have mentioned in the past, I despise haggling. Give me a damn price, and I'll pay it or I won't. His attitude is that for just speaking to us, the salesman should be taking $1,500 off the price of the car. This fellow is positive he can get the car for well under what I was expecting, along with the tax, title, and license. Bitchin'.

All hail responsible decision making. I'm still going to have scary teeth painted onto the front.
Perhaps I should a vanity license plate as well. It'd have to be a fully spelled word, though. None of this "2gud4U" crap, which makes me want to hit other cars.

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