Thursday, May 20, 2004
Political Action |11:44 AM|
I was thinking about starting a website called pitchforks and torches. It was going to be a basic list of recent actions by the government that in more brutish times would have had the peasants running for the Bastille.

Instead I just joined the ACLU, and threatened to wear my pants down low.
Legislate that Morality you rat bastards. Not that I'm in favor of baggy pants or low slung pants, I think they're idiotic. But if you want to pass laws governing the clothes that can be worn then I'll wear those low slung pants on the steps of the capital. It'll make it easier for you to kiss my ass.

Also, why the fuck does Tetanus live on rusty objects? Cheap property values?

Update: It turns out that tetanus is ubiquitous. It's just that rusty objects are usually broken down, disused, non-maintained objects, so they're more likely to have sharp edges, and stuff to poke you.

I realized today that along with not liking being managed, I don't like managing people. I like working with equals, I like taking a leadership role when it is called for, I like taking the first weird risks and steps (though Portal would argue that I don't when it comes to invading conventions of deviants). I don't like being in charge of people.
Is this a lack of responsibility on my part? Is it a communications shortcoming, or a lack of experience? Management by consensus would be my preference.



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