Thursday, May 13, 2004
Stupid Skull Story, and I may have just helped fire someone. |2:46 PM|
Woman gets skull back.
Take a look at the story, it's a relatively strange case, but besides that I want you to notice this paragraph:

On Jan. 10, Lane’s car rolled over on an icy canyon road above Salt Lake City. Lane, who was not wearing a seat belt, was thrown through the windshield. (She was later charged with driving under the influence and not having a driver’s license.)

I'm trying to come up with a joke about this idiot that is not simply "Why did she want her skull back so much? It clearly wasn't protecting anything important."

I guess I could go with "At least when her brain shifted around in the night she was reminded that she had one. She might look into using the damn thing."

Maybe I'll just go with "Idiots like this raise my health costs. I'd want to hold onto parts of her skull as well."

I just received confirmation that a print log I found for someone arrived. An employee at a large computer company apparently forged a document early this morning, and they wanted proof that he'd done it on one of our servers. Who would think that the servers all keep such long logs of something as trivial as a print job?
Well, they do, and they're easy to read once you know where to look.


Let's see if this does the same thing: after you comment, and look at what other people have commented, you can only see the post you commented on, unless you click on ".log" and reload your lovely little blog.


By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:41 AM  

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