Saturday, June 12, 2004
Mutter |8:11 PM|
It's always a drag when you wake up and see that it's 7 on the clock, and right as you start feeling good about the whole day being available you realize it's 7pm. Whoops.

Portal and I stayed up way too late last night watching movies, and she got a call this morning asking her to come into work early. Figures. They apparently need 300 cream pies made, and I wonder if despite the cost and time needed to make them if they're all just going to be thrown at people.
I drove her into work, headed home, and crashed out in bed. I was laid out from illness this friday anyhow, so it was probably my body recovering from that. (I can just hear Vid humming "Down with the sickness" if only as an excuse to make that Wah-ah-ah-ah noise).

Since the new car project has been delayed due to my negotiator leaving town for a week, this week I'll contact that machine shop so I can finally "go to prototype" on my invention. Seriously. I have their phone number, rates and everything. I'll have a large number of fantastically dangerous magnets in my house within the month. If I am found impaled against my fridge, crucified by tiny objects, know that it was for the best.

We're arranging the Vegas trip today, Vorpal and the rest of us, I mean. Should be interesting, turns out some bad ass folks whose names likely mean nothing to the average reader (Finagler, LTBS) are showing up. I wonder if LolitaHunterMachiavelliX will make an appearance? Doubtful.

I need to go get my camera back from Poker-Host Joe.

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