Monday, June 14, 2004
The problem with explaining things to my Ma |12:31 AM|
I could be honest with my mother, that I haven't called her back because I was too sick, too depressed, and too busy to really deal with spending time with the family. But this answer, though honest, would not end the conversation. Instead, it would prolong it, into a tortuous ordeal of Salem-esque questioning.

"Why are you depressed?"
"Are you going to kill yourself?
"Are you gay?"
"Did you break up with Portal?"
"Did you kill someone?"
"Are you sure you aren't gay?"

I'm not exaggerating, these are actual past questions. Along with "Are you drinking too much" and "Are you gambling too much". The questions sound far funnier when I quote them, because I'm in the horrid habit of imitating my mother in only the most shrill tone of voice.
Now, I love my mother. And she loves me, and these questions are her way of showing she cares. However, due to this kind of "attention" I now have nearly unlimited patience for nagging.

Portal was amazed that I never, ever complained or accused her of being naggy. She expected it to come up at some point, since even in her own opinion she could be a little insistent. Seeing as I had a graduate degree in being pestered, she was simply outgunned. In the rock throwing fight that is "gentle reminders", my mom is an atomic weapon.

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