Tuesday, July 06, 2004
Not worth the pixels |11:11 PM|
It's sad when what you look forward to the most about your day at work is that there's going to be a new issue of "The Onion" available to read while toiling through the day.

Once the aquarium becomes functional I'll take some pictures. That, and pictures of the robot.

I saw the movie Super Size Me over the weekend, and in response I have given up carbonated drinks, especially Coca-cola and other similar beverages. It's been a bit rough, caffiene is addictive and I don't do well without it. I'm still waiting for the 3 day long headache that usually follows.

Eating better, even just a little better is rarely seen as intensely masculine. I think all the skinny hippies with twisted ideas on morality, politics and bathing have given a stigma to some alternative eating habits.
At a restaurant in Dallas, I ordered a drink, and headed over to the fountains at which I spied rootbeer. Fountain rootbeer is a rare enough treat that I'll go for it just about every time. Right before I started filling the cup I remembered that I had stopped drinking such things, and filled my cup with sissy, pink lemonade.

Anyhow, this is really just a note to myself that I started this process on Sunday. 3 days down, 27 to go.


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