Monday, October 25, 2004
Gravity Well Productions Regrets to inform you that your sons are dead because they were stupid. |11:24 AM|
I'm currently experiencing the symptoms of a variety of insect and spider bites, nausea, cramps, dizziness, headaches, and so many parts of me itch. As I don't have access to ways of capping the movie right now, I think this is a good time to list my regrets about the movie. I know I'm going to spend pages going on and on about the stories and joys, so I'll get this out of the way.

The actors and actresses we auditioned but didn't use, they need some thank you cards. Especially Portal's friend of a friend. We jerked him around all weekend.

I regret not finding a good place to involve Vid. I had some concerns with the number of highly...aggressive? Independent? I'm not sure of the term, but we had several guys with a Vision, and getting them to combine and realize that vision was sometimes very difficult. Adding another would have been terrible, especially someone as strong-willed as Vid. It was a rough time wrangling them sometimes.

Speaking of Vision conflict, Christ, we screwed Tom right in the ass. He spent 2 weeks making a fantastic soundtrack, and we couldn't find a place for it in our final genre. Without a chase scene, without a creepy conversation scene, and there may have been some crossed lines with some of the team. We then used him for what was supposed to be a "quick" scene, that turned into 4 scenes, involving knocking him onto steel plates, him falling down stairs, and then we stuffed him into a tiny room and covered him with fake blood. The next morning we found out:
"Oh yeah, guys, I'm REALLY claustrophobic."
Fuck. We're dropping a good $200 on his "thank you" gift.

Dammit, the left arm bite is blistering. That is now classified as "Aggressive House Spider" or if it goes necrotic/yellow in the next 6-12 hours "Possible Brown Recluse"
Depends on my blood flow, I suppose. What's really great is the hardening of blood vessels on spider bite on my leg.

I didn't get to work on my robot or my HL2 mod during this past 2 weeks. I've got some guilt there. (If we got "swarm" or "animals attack" as our sub-genre the robot was actually going to be part of the movie as a camera mount to go where we could not. Luckily, that didn't happen)

The common prop to all the movies was "Ice Cubes".
That sucked.
We put it in, along with the needed dialog line "I gave blood, on monday" but our implementations that made it into the film were weak. Better ones were on the cutting room floor. So was a lot of excellent dialog and acting, but such is life.



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