Saturday, March 12, 2005
Terrible Ideas, evolution of a solution. |12:22 AM|
Proper Growing Conditions:

It was getting very late at our foley booth, which conisited of a bath tub I'd lined with blankets. I was trying to make convincing moans and groans for a person who had just been very badly burnt.
Unfortunately, for every proper sound noise I managed to weeze out, I also made noises like an obscene phone call.

I debated with my crew about trying to think of the worst "hit" I'd taken, or something along those lines.

Genesis of the bad idea:
"Hmmm... I need to somehow make the same breathless weezes I only make when I'm in pain, but I can't use memories to do it. If only I could some how simulate intense pain. I suppose I could somehow hurt myself, in a minor way...nah that'd be dumb. "

The bad idea evolved a bit, and as I became more tired, impulse control started to fade. That's about when I punched the tile wall with a bit of force.


After the intial burst of curse words, I was able to produce pain noises that the director called "Well, chilling."

So though I spent most of the rest of the night with an ice pack on my fist, it worked. And it was a nearly free solution.

As an update, due to damage to the tape containing these sounds, I had to get back into that tub, and do it again. Instead of punching the wall, though, I requested matches.
Over the headphones, Captain Fantastic could hear the woosh of a match, the hiss as I put it out in my hand, the gasp, and the pain noises we needed.

Him: "Are you doing what I think you're doing?"
Me: "Shut up and tape this shit!"

Also, when trying to record the sound of a whoosh of a pack of matches being lit, Captain Fantastic managed to set the microphone on fire. Good work.

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