Saturday, December 16, 2006
Party, nipple issues |1:22 AM|
I miss my nipple bars. I had to take them out, I have to let them heal so I can get them re-pierced in a better location. The previous ones just had too many issues, so I'm upgrading. Like new shocks on a car, only this is steel piercing non-functional tissue.

This means in the morning, when I stretch to scratch my sides, my chest feels differently. When I'm brushing my teeth I notice something is missing.
It's disconcerting. My deadline for re-piercing is like January 10th. Why not get it done sooner? I'm hoping to knock some more weight off before I do it, so if I have it video taped I'll look better.
Speaking of losing weight, I'm buying some new pants tommorow, along with all of my Christmas shopping.

Had the company party tonight, and it was a blast, as office parties go. I brought Cass along as my guest (It seemed a good idea to take a woman along, even one I'm not dating, rather than a dude [Like, God help me, Kamon] and "raise questions") and she took care of my drink tickets. She even managed to snag a decent set of knives during the gift exchange. I myself won the tool related raffle, and got a kit of roadside emergency tools (Which for some reason, lacks jumper cables and flares.)
Didn't win the gargantuan TV. Damn shame, even considering that if I owned it, I wouldn't be able to open the door to my house.

Got the bonus, too. I'd forgotten about it until they started handing them out, and good golly, I love my job.



Yay! I'm sure you deserved it. Sorry about the nipple rings.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:59 AM  

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