Friday, January 05, 2007
Adventures of a high entropy person in a high entropy land |12:32 AM|
Last night I took a glass of water that Portal had left at my desk, and put it on the ground next to one of the legs. I was in the middle of a game, so I didn't take it to the kitchen, but I was worried enough about it spilling onto equipment to move it.
Around 1am or so, Portal called to let me know she'd gotten home to Denton alright, but I wasn't awake to pick up the phone. The phone was set to ring, as well as vibrate. The vibrations of the phone marched it along the desk, and over the edge.
I woke up to the chiming of my phone, which mid chime got a lot more quiet for some reason. Stumbling around in the darkness, I found a vibrating phone submerged in a cup on the floor.
Of all the places it could have fallen from, it found the worst possible point, and managed to hit that cup with Olympic diver accuracy. "I REGRET NOTHING!" I'm sure it yelled, and suddenly I had a $200 issue. Just because I'd put the water next to the desk, to avoid damaging equipment. Is this irony? I'm not sure.

I resigned myself to the cost of the phone replacement, and went back to bed.
Later in the workday, I went out to an onsite call, came back, and as I was going back into the office realized I'd left my pen/paperwork in the car. When I went back and unlocked the door, the alarm went off.
My car alarm is just the horn BLARING without pause, for at least 1 minute. Oh, and it locks the doors and kills the ignition.
It's loud, I don't have the remotes (which should be the only things that can arm it) and trying to start the car has no effect. I wait for the alarm to time out, and it does, for five seconds. Then it starts up again.
Double fuck.
This thing is LOOOOUD and I can't stop it. I get some earplugs, pop the hood, and manage to yank the battery leads.
Attempts to reset the computer are fruitless. The alarm's fuse is not marked in the manual. The best I can do is yank the horn fuse so at least I can work on it in peace.
My phone is dead, my car is immobile, I might as well not fucking exist in this town.
Oh, and I have to be at an important goddamn film thing at 6:30 sharp. GAH
A coworker of mine, Ed, had this to say: "Man, did you run over a box of puppies or something?"
I get my hands on a phone from a coworker, he got tired of Sprint and quit paying. Now I've got this $200 phone for free, all I need is a battery and activation.
I find a place selling the battery for about $30, I spend lunch getting it, and then finding out that since the phone is on another account, one that owes money, it cannot be reassigned.

Me: "The phone can't be transferred?"

Outsourced tech support: "You cannot activate that phone it's on another account."

Me: "What if we cancel that other account, then can we move the phone?"

Outsourced tech support: "You cannot activate that phone it's on another account."

Me: "Forever? We can't use this phone ever?"

Outsourced tech support: "You cannot activate that phone, it's on another account."

Me: "What if we took it to a store, and cancelled the first guy's account, could the phone be reactivated?"

Outsourced tech support: "You cannot activate that phone it's on another account."

Christ sorry to step outside the box on this one, lady. As always I was very polite with the phone support people, but ultimately frustrated.

Additionally, later, I was inside looking up information on my car, and someone stole my fucking clock. I had put it on the ground when I was unloading shit, and someone just waltzed off with it. It was shiny, they took it. Fucking monkeys.

Ed: "Oh, I see, one of the puppies in the box you ran over must have been the re-incarnation of the Dalai Lama"

I continued to fight the car, pulling the horn fuse, and then other fuses, resetting the different controls, etc. I gave up, got a ride, re-assembled what I could of one of the remotes, went back, and miracle of miracles it worked.

Oh, and I have a new goddamn phone, but its phonebook is empty. Whooopty shit.

The day was crap, and expensive at that, but exciting and interesting. I tend to do my best when it all goes to hell. At least, I think I do.



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