Saturday, March 17, 2007
The feeling of IT |10:30 PM|
This is some naval gazing, probably offering some tiny insight into what drives me, but you can skip it.

There's this (too be expected) wonderful relief when some kind of massive problem solving I'm doing goes well. This is especially true if something during the process has gone horribly awry, I'm in over my head, and there's a deadline. Recent instances of this have been fixing Chris's computer (not as much "over my head" just complete confusion as to what the fuck the problem is, and having to use illogical problem solving to fix it, deductive leaps, what have you) fixing those blackberry servers, the lightbar incident, and the 74-134 test.

With Chris's computer I had to fight the computer to the point that it was giving me an error I even recognized (NTLDR not found) that took an hour. The rest of the time was pretty standard until it stopped booting, with a can't-be-possible error message. I ended up making some completely bizarre changes to the BIOS, (Because that was all that was left, configuration wise) and it worked. The relief was so great at the repair that to be comfortable, I had to lie down, and stare a ceiling fan for a bit. This is not usually an option in a professional support enviroment.

With the lightbar, I got money, praise, the joy of a movie going well, blah blah.

The blackberries I covered in that other post.

The relief is a mixture of "aw shucks" humility, since I didn't call upon training or any other "real" qualification. I jumped in, broke some stuff, figured out what worked, and stumbled around, did some research, projected confidence I didn't have, and came up with an answer. It's a lot like the time I got stuck under a windsurfer. I knew not to panic, that I had plenty of air, go any direction but up, and I'll live.
That's why the relief can't be compared to some kind of Freudian concept that may be occuring to some people. It's more like the relief of not dying, of getting back to a normal mood.

Editing time stamp to indicate when this occurred to me.



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