Tuesday, May 01, 2007
This is called avoidance behavior. Again. |2:14 AM|
I am moving. Still. There's big stuff little stuff a painting, etc. If I really get to it I've got 3 hours left, I think, and then it's cleaning. Every time I have tried to move it has been the worst day to do it. Family obligations, birthday parties, rain storms.
Now I've been up for way, too, long, and it's raining, and I've got work in the morning, and I didn't have my goddamn adderal at work. This meant that I had to pump myself up with a ton of goddamn caffeine. Amounts of caffeine that by noon were already making me nauseous. While I've got at least 3 friends that would be calling me an idiot, my back was to the wall on this one.

I wanted to mention my place of work and a desperate need for a vacation. A couple of days ago I was finally digging my way out of this massive pile of motion stuff* when my manager comes in and lets us know some 25 more have come in. I, without any hesitation reflexively said "I'm going on vacation 2 weeks from now". It looks like it was approved, but the point is that at any other gig the words would have been "This is my two weeks notice."
I love my job, I'm just sick and fucking tired* of what we've been doing lately. Diagnose a tablet. Order the parts. Fill out the form. Fill in the spreadsheet. Go get a drink of water. File the paper work. Store the tablet. Take a leak.

Now on to a repair: Receive the parts. Replace the parts. Re-image the tablet. Test the microphones. Flash the bios. Test the network. Box up motion. Fill out QA ticket. Fill in more spreadsheets. Fill out last of paper work. Email Portland bitching about tablets.
Repeat. 5-8 times a day.
Over and over and over. I do this by touch now, I sit in front of my system and read Digby's blog or local news sites while unscrewing components, pausing occasionally to hit the space bar with the end of my screwdriver, advancing the page.
I'm still churning out enough tablet computers (Though I'm falling behind because of all the shit I fix upstairs.)

I want to drive some place inherently interesting. Geekygrrl wants me to fly up to Michigan, which would be restful.
Assuming I have a four day weekend I could drive just outside of Texas, and turn around and come back. Too bad I don't know of anyone in Phoenix, it's been a while since I crossed the desert.

Maybe I should just do that. Load up my car with water and camping shit and drive until the world ends, and see how long I can stand being out in deadly hot weather before I decide working is a vacation, comparatively. I've still got all of Portal's camping gear. I could just set up a bunch of heat lamps and cover myself in wool blankets soaked in swamp water and ants to simulate my last "camp in Texas in the summer" trip.

I could spend a couple days in a nearby city, doing touristy shit. But how much fun would it be to just be a single tourist? It's been a while since I was just travelling alone, and there was usually a singular reason, not "Chilling out at the zoo"

I'm a social animal, much more so than I used to be. This is again, relative as I still need a couple hours each day totally alone or I start to get cranky. But maybe I should just drive off, alone. See how far I can get. The hard part is driving back, really.


Actually, I think I grabbed my camping gear, but feel free to borrow it if you swing by dallas/denton.

Also, its ok if you need to put the paintings in storage.

By Blogger Portal_23, at 9:56 AM  

You would also cross the desert to drive to California. Berkeley, perhaps?

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:53 PM  

That is a good plan. I might go to Sarasota in Florida

By Blogger Cecil, at 1:55 AM  

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