Sunday, January 13, 2008
13 days already? |9:45 PM|
Fuck 2007. I want to make that really, truly clear.

There were some truly excellent times this past year. Stuff I wouldn't trade the world for, at all. But that doesn't mean I can't curse and gnash my teeth about the bad shit first.
I lost a lot, this year (and I'm counting the last couple months of 2006 as part of this "year" since it was all so closely related). I lost a job, a steady place of residence, I lost a girlfriend, then a couple of other people I was dating. I nearly lost a vital friendship, I lost a lot of hope for a while. I lost my weeks, in a sense losing my town.

But the losses weren't all bad.
I lost some bad habits, lost some rather oppressive personal restraints, and I lost a lot of weight.

2007 did have such excellent times, trips, parties, exciting first dates, jobs that were (at least at first) interesting, etc etc.
I wanted to vomit out this bile first, so I could get it out of the way, it was weighing down on me. I could rant and rant about this, but what would that accomplish?

I'm going back to school. That's the thread I wrapped around my fist, and I'll use it to haul myself upright. I'm always happier with good posture.


Maybe it will sound ridiculous but growth years are typically shitty at the time but awesome in retrospect.

at least that's what France meant to me. Sometimes, my committed relationship, normal job, familiar environment life gets frighteningly boring these days.

By Anonymous christina, at 4:20 PM  

she has a point. you are also resilient.

although it can vary. i had shitty times that were great, and then the shitty times that are just as boring as normal not shitty times.

at least you are incapable of being a true asshole no matter how bad you feel. you may think you have been, but you have not. and sometimes you get delicious baked goods for your birthday.

By Anonymous cassie, at 5:04 PM  

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