Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Parties |1:19 AM|
I like the new color scheme Suzy whipped up for the site. For some reason it kind of looks like a fossilized version of TPL. As if someone 10,000 years from now attempted to reconstruct this at a museum as an early 21st century example of egomania.
10,000 years. If the human race makes it that far, the whole of stored information currently on earth would likely fit into a single bubble of some tiny handheld storage device.
I would be beyond dust, a fragment, possibly in some corn being grown in a hydroponic experiment for school children.

I don't have the pictures up from the "Can we actually pull off a party" themed party from Saturday, which went pretty well, even if it did interrupt my Oceanography studying. It went well, considering the mis-communication between Jimmy and I that prevented a large number of people from being invited, and a shit load of the harder party-ers either being out of town for family or having left town forever.

Upcoming is the conspiracy themed party, and I'm contemplating what to wear as a costume. Cas suggested a Diebold voting machine. I could go as the twin towers, that could unfold to show demolition charges wired up and down the inside of the support beams.
I could get my hands on some dress uniforms at the quonset hut. If I've got some extra money from some sales and jobs, I think I might just do that. A good air force uniform could be fun.


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