Thursday, February 24, 2005
Stupid stuff that doesn't qualify for indvidual entries |6:37 PM|
I figured out a "Google Trick". You can specify to search results from just one site on Google by using If you go to the image search feature on Google, and use the site: command, and nothing else, you get every image on that site that Google has ever seen. It's handy, trust me. Try it. As a side note, that brings images that even I, the owner of the site have/had totally forgotten.

This past weekend I was out filming scenes for the upcoming short movie "Inspirational". If you'd like to see a gallery of images that lack context, feel free to take a gander.
On Bamboozeling:
Saturday night, I was coming back from filming when I found myself desperately craving root beer. It was past 2AM, so the only places open to me used bulletproof glass in place of customer service. I pulled up to the local Tetco, which I know is open 24 hours AND after midnight locks the doors BUT will sell you food products through the night payment drawer. The woman working was about 40, saw me, and ducked into the employee only area. After a few minutes, she walked out into the main part of the store and walked towards the counter. She looked in every direction except towards the side of the building with the customer service window, through which I was plainly visible. It was some impressive head movement, considering the size of the window. When she entered the counter area (had there not been plexiglass in the way, I could have tapped her on the shoulder) she made a show of checking her watch, fiddling under the counter, and going back to the storage area.
I was perplexed at her apparent desperation not to sell me my rootbeer. 5 minutes passed. 5 minutes is quite a while to be doing nothing while waiting in a line consisting of you, and possibly an army of angry, invisible spirits.
I recalled a scene in a Tom Wolfe novel, in which a character scares the inhabitants of a crackhouse by doing nothing beyond talking into a cell phone determinedly while looking at the house. They were convinced he was a cop, and fled. I also realized I was on video surveillance, and the lazy bitch was likely watching a monitor.
Clearly, this woman was trying to wait me out, but I used to work in tech support.

Uncomfortable silences and hour-long hold times are drinking buddies of mine. But, I was thirsty and was not being paid by the hour. I pulled out my cell phone, made a show of staring at the Tetco sign (as if it contained whole volumes of text beyond "Tetco") and began dialing (information, if you're curious). After a few seconds, the woman burst from the back room with a look of terror on her face, at which point I hung up, and she sold me my goddamn rootbeer.
I would not have been so convinced she was reacting to my cell phone charade if not for the fear in her eyes. But who the hell did she think I was going to call at 3am? Her boss? The gas station police? Rootbeer man?

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Monday, May 24, 2004
Please don't make that face while driving |3:09 PM|
I was driving along with Portal the other day, and I was experiencing the weird drug induced anger I've been fighting for the past couple weeks. It tends to show itself more often in the car, as most other drivers are, to be honest, the worst human beings who have ever been born.

A greater number of them than usual were demonstrating just how much they needed to be converted into a protein paste, to be used for feeding of endangered birds so that their pathetic lives would have some purpose and meaning besides simply getting in my fucking way.

It was only when Portal asked me to stop "Making that face" and I asked "What face?" through gritted teeth that I realized I was making a face at all. The whole time I'd been driving, my eyes had been wide open, my cheeks stretched out, and my lips had been yanked across my clenched teeth. A good poker face, I do not have. But I wonder how many people had seen me.

Also, comments.
Since the blogger comment system was pissing me off, I'm trying a new comment system. Wow, you even get to use anonymous commenting, if you so wish.

Please try it out, you don't have to sign your real name, and I want to make sure it works. If something breaks, I've pissed you off, or whatever, let me know via the comments.

If you've read the post, or liked the post, please let me know on the comment screen as well.

Edit: I keep forgetting to post this.
terror alert banana
It's that goddamn dancing banana that Vorpal loves, but from the color it is you can ascertain the current US terror alert level! This is fantastic.

Speaking of terror alert level, try this fun Propaganda game. There's a couple times when they put a more political spin on what happened to some celebrities (Like Michael Moore and Howard Stern), and it is 100% anti-bush propaganda, but give it a shot.

This fellow is using the bluetooth capabilities of his cellphone as a way to get online with his laptop. Though I do not have a laptop, I do have a handheld, one that supports bluetooth. The idea of a $10 a month flat fee that would free me from T-mobile or one of those other wallet plunderers is exciting.

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Wednesday, March 10, 2004
Do you know me? Then you've likely already seen this image |9:53 AM|
If you've had any contact with me in the last several weeks, then you've seen my welding Goggles. If you were online last night then you were sent the following version of that image made by a poster on SA. Well, I think it's nifty and it's possible someone out there hasn't seen it. So here it is: (Click for a bigger, better version)

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