Tuesday, June 29, 2004
By request |2:26 PM|
Sinclair mentioned the nacho cheese in the eyes incident. For clarification, I was not struck in the eyes, but it did cover a large portion of my face. As far as I can tell, I haven't mentioned this incident in the past.

While I was working at the movie theater, I would often be the one responsible for cleaning dishes, among these were the nacho cheese bowls. These sons of bitches were kept at well over 150 degrees to keep the nacho cheese molten, and so posed a certain safety hazard when it was time to wash out the thick crust of burned cheese from the bowel itself. Since our oven mitts kept vanishing, the only way to transport the bowels was by wrapping your hands in paper towels, which would only provide protection for a few seconds. Normally the bowl was emptied of extra nacho cheese, but in this incident it was about half full. No problem, I thought, just as long as I could get the nacho cheese to the sink before I started burning. With mittens of paper towels, I began a race against the devil to the glorious sink.

Reaching the sink I tossed the container into the sink, at which point the cheese sloshed around in the bowl, created a large bubble that popped, hurling nacho cheese into the air....directly onto to my face, arm, and torso.
There's a point of pain at which your body just stops taking normal commands, and screaming really wasn't an issue. I was frozen in a mid defensive gesture, arms extended, eyes wide in shock, legs barely moving. I had lost the trust of my body. I walked very slowly towards the concession stand, and made a quiet whimpering noise through a mouth that would not otherwise work.

Luckily, a friend of mine was able to get me paper towels and get the goddamn cheese off of me.

As an addendum to the previous posts:

I have also had a staple driven through my thumb, had the price tag gun fire its razor tip into my hand (which isn't as bad as it sounds) and at one point a bad fishing cast by a friend buried a fishhook underneath my fingernail. "No, don't worry, I can handle this. Go get the guy with the pliars."

Next, I'll describe the windex making machine.

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Friday, April 09, 2004
Vorpal is leaving |1:41 AM|
That friend of mine that I call Vorpal is leaving. Today was his last day of work here in Austin, and he's heading out to run the call center in San Antonio.

I don't know exactly how I feel about that yet. The best I can do is spit out the words that first come to mind, which are "Good for him" and "Goddammit" as well as "Bastard!"

At least he isn't dead, and he isn't moving to another damn state or anything. Still, it'll make grabbing pizza after work a lot harder.

I'm still in favor of short goodbyes. I don't always succeed, but I do often enough to not feel like a maudlin jerk.

This isn't my reaction to him leaving post, this is the post that isn't long enough that will prompt me to write more later. In situations when I can't make snap judgements or react immediately to emotional issues, it takes me a much longer time to put it in order.

Maybe it's just my highly mobile habits, or maybe I don't have the firmest grip on reality, or maybe I don't view these changes as permanent.
Changes plural because Sinclair has also moved out of easily visit range. True, he was already much farther than Vorpal is now going to be, but it's still a drag.

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Wednesday, March 31, 2004
Taking the fighting to the spammers...but first a nap. |8:39 AM|
As I continue to forget to do stuff, like linking to all the Furry Fuzz movies (From when I was busted by sexual deviants for crashing their party), I also forget to do useful life stuff, like grocery shopping. And ordering robotics kits.

The last month or so has seen me sick 5 days out of each 7, and last night was not an exception. Portal picked up some kind of damn influenza, and I wonder if I'm coming down with it yet. I know I was working through a couple infections last week, and last night felt the same as then. Either way I was asleep until 6am today and so I didn't get the new UT or get my girlfriend to the grocery store. Sorry Portal.

I also forgot to post a thread on SA about a scriptable Wget, so I can relaunch my own damn website. One thing I realized is that I'm going to have to tighten security of this site a great deal. Such as, changing the primary site password (which the old system said couldn't be done, but c'mon guys, that's idiotic) cleaning out old email boxes, and basically battening down the hatches. If the relaunch goes to plan, I'll probably be attracting a lot of the wrong kinds of attention.

I may also have to switch to movable type for my blog here, which would be a shame. You folks wouldn't notice a difference, but I like the spellcheck here, though I've been using it less. Maybe I could hire Sinclair to copy edit for me. I think he'd stab me right in the face.

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Tuesday, March 09, 2004
|9:55 AM|
I want a Dremel tool, since they're so damned handy to have around. I don't want to blow money on it. I spend too much money on Pizza.
If I can go 5 weeks without Pizza, I should be able to turn the savings into a Dremel starter kit.

I filed my taxes. I'm getting a refund of over two thousand dollars. That should come in fairly handy.

The car is going into the shop today. I hope they can fix it quickly, I'm going to be riding the bus to see Portal. Whoopty do.

I had a grand time in Dallas. Saw Sinclair, and the rest of the Dallas crew.
Sinclair is scramming from Dallas. His magazine got fucked over by its advertising guy on the first couple issues, so now he's moving on, looking for work. When we said our goodbyes, we kept up the policy of short farewells, as is what I prefer. Or at least, I strive for. I know I'll run into him again, sooner or later. Hell, I may ask him to put in a good word for me at a game review magazine, you know, one at which I haven't burned my bridges.


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Monday, April 28, 2003
Unexpected keys to joy |2:50 AM|
I was up in Dallas again this past saturday and sunday night. Sinclair's computer had eaten itself, with possible mobo damage. I did the quick (3 hour) drive up there for the repair. Thinking it would be a short stay, I didn't bring anything besides my tools, and my warm self.

That's before I discovered The Couch.

As a bit of review, I have had the same bed for the entire time I've been in Texas, though I've not always been sleeping on it. During my time in the same apartment as Sinclair it mainly stayed attached to a wall. A side note to this side note, is that for a while my furniture had seen more action with other people than me for a long period. My couch was Vorpal's for a while, and the bed was added to an entirely seperate rental couch a long time ago to allow JP enough room to say there. Actually, for a while, my furniture had all seen more action from JP and females than I and any females. My "getting play" all occurred at different locations, sometime different states. Anyway, this bed is old old old. An $80 set of mattress, box springs, and rack, and I've been meaning to throw it in the trash for about 5 months now. I was going to throw it away when I moved into the new house with Jessica, but that kept being delayed. Now, finally, I can get rid of this goddamn bed.

Right, back to The Couch. I don't sleep at normal times, and even when I have been sleeping, I still felt like total crap in the morning. But on that damn couch, I slept for 12 hours, and I woke up I felt so good I had to stay on couch and bask in Its joy for half an hour. I haven't felt that rested in ages. I thought in the past I had gotten incredibly refrshing bits of sleep, but this took the cake.
I would have paid cash to sleep like that again. In fact, I am. I'm going to blow a great deal of money as soon as possible on a good, solid mattress. I get to research beds and I may even stop in at a "Sleep number" store, just to waste their time and not buy anything because their adds bother me.

Oh, strangely enough the night of sleep I had was almost free of nightmares. Pleasant dreams were in the majority, and the unpleasant one was mild.


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